This Polynesian manta ray tattoo was prepared for Maxim and it is centered around his family, represented by the turtle within the sun made of mountains that symbolizes joy and stability.
The turtle has the couple on the shell and their son and daughter protected under the front flippers.
Flax leaves and braids symbolize the union and support within the family while the frigate bird that shapes the head of the turtle symbolizes long voyages.
The two tiki on the sides protect the family from all directions,
while the lizard symbolizes good luck and health, and the fish hook
The tail of the lizard is made of spearheads and octopus tentacle for
tenacity and strength.
The colored image below shows the main elements within the tattoo:
A curiosity: the Tahitian word fetii is used to indicate family, as the relations of a person, and also a tie, a knot.